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Conosco’s Leadership Team #ChooseToChallenge Gender Inequality

by Conosco on Mar 8, 2021

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In the UK IT sector, women only account for 22% of employees. As a technology business, it is our responsibility to help drive change, improve diversity and encourage more women into our profession.

This International Women’s Day our leadership team are raising their hands in support of the #ChooseToChallenge campaign showing that they actively promote equality and call out gender bias. We are all responsible for our actions – by choosing to use our voices and social platforms to stand in solidarity with women and raise the issue of inequality we can help build a more alert world.

We will also be using the day to celebrate women’s achievements and recognise our fantastic female colleagues. We will be hosting a company-wide lunch and learn’ which will allow all Conosco employees to be part of the discussion and focus on ways that we can breakdown gender inequality in the workplace.

In a recent interview with Sian Holtzhuizen, Conosco’s Group Service Delivery Team Lead, she comments on her own experience working in tech:

“Embracing change can be unnerving, when I started at Conosco I was apprehensive about the technology industry. Two years on and I have found it to be an extremely rewarding career path. I feel passionately that more needs to be done to encourage women into the industry. After watching me working from home and seeing how much I love my position and I appreciate my colleagues, my eldest daughter has now decided to study Computer Application Technology as one of her subject choices. I am so proud of her as this is something she had never considered before I joined Conosco. You lead by example both at work and at home.”

Laura Gleeson, Conosco’s Head of Group Service Delivery says,

“Women are largely under-represented in the technology industry and in leadership roles in general – it’s time for this to change. We all have a part to play in creating a work environment that allows women to feedback their experiences, showcase their achievements, balance their work and home life commitments and actively supports them in their career progression. I’m lucky enough to work with a team of amazing women at Conosco who are ambitious, focused and determined to be successful.”

Laura Gleeson