Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Solutions for Businesses (Covid-19)
by Conosco on Mar 25, 2020
Conosco provides effective Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) management solutions to industries across Real Estate, Digital/Technology, Finance, Retail, and Public Sector to help restore ‘business as usual’ and deliver key services such as remote/flexible working support in the event of critical incidents, including the current lack of physical sites due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Why work with Conosco:
Conosco has 20+ years of experience in providing BCDR, Digital Transformation and Cyber Security Services.
We employ some of the best experts in the country to help clients meet their Planning, Information Security and Disaster Recovery requirements.
We support any stage of Business Continuity from strategy, review and simulations to rapid deployment of solutions with 24/7 managed support.
- Contextualised understanding of the client’s business and requirements
- Health Check of the Business’s current documentation related to Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery, and plan for operating sustainably through Covid-19 restrictions
- Guided Tabletop simulation with key stakeholders covering various possible Covid-19 related scenarios and how the business will respond quickly
- Lessons learnt review post tabletop exercise, with documented report identifying potential issues and risks relating to Covid-19 specifically or other disaster situations in general (can the organisation operate sustainably during a remote working situation?)
- Creation or updating of a Business Impact Assessment for the business
- Recommendations (short and long term) to assist the business both in preparing for and operating through remote working
This engagement is designed for businesses that are not completely having to work remotely or are currently operating remotely, to review the business’s current preparedness, policies and strategy relating to remote working and Covid-19 response, to assist the business in adequately preparing for as many eventialties as possible and being able to continue operations in a sustainable manner.
A report will be provided describing the organisation’s current BCDR infrastructure and strategy, with a strong emphasis on the lessons learned from the tabletop exercise and recommendations for updates that the organisation can make
Need to find out more ? Get in touch here.
- Contextualised understanding of the client’s business and requirements
- Health Check of the Business’s current documentation related to Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery, and current operational status
- Facilitated discussion of the business’s preparation for sustainable operation in the current climate of remote working – can your business continue to operate remotely?
- Lessons learnt review, with documented report identifying potential sustainability issues and risks relating to an extended period of remote work and staff illness.
- Creation or updating of a Business Impact Assessment for the business
- Recommendations (short and long term) to assist the business both in improving their current remote working and in ensuring sustainable operation
This engagement is designed for businesses that are currently having to work remotely or are experiencing impacts to their normal operation, to review the business’s current operation and strategy relating to remote working and Covid-19 response as well as their plans to maintain sustainable operations, to assist the business in adequately preparing for successful operation in the medium to long term.
A report will be provided describing the organisation’s current operation level and strategy, with a strong emphasis on the lessons learned from the sustainability discussion and recommendations for changes the organisation can make to assist with sustainable long term operation in the face of remote working, staff shortages and other possible Covid-19 related events.
Need to find out more ? Get in touch here.
- Contextualised understanding of the client’s business and requirements
- Facilitated discussion of the business’s operation during the disaster, including a tabletop simulation discussion of the business’s preparations for a possible recurrence
- Lessons learnt review including how the lessons learned can be applied to other potential disaster situations, with documented report identifying potential issues and risks remaining related to other disasters.
- Creation or updating of a Business Impact Assessment for the business
- Recommendations to assist the business both in applying the lessons learned and improving their overall Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery plans
This engagement is designed for businesses that mostly returned to a state of normal operation post the disaster, to review the business’s operation during the disaster as well as their preparations for a possible recurrence, and on how the lesson learned can be applied to other possible disaster situations, in order to ensure that the business is as prepared as possible.
A report will be provided describing the organisation’s operation level during the disaster, with a strong emphasis on the lessons learned and how these can be applied to the business in any disaster situation.
Need to find out more ? Get in touch here.
Conosco can help with your current Business Challenges and deploy remote working support for you teams:
Hylton Stewart, Head of Cyber Security, Conosco
Email: | LinkedIn: @HyltonStewart
Reach out to Conosco if you would like guidance or assistance in assuring that your organisation can work remotely if needed, our experts can guide you through creating and testing your business continuity plan as well as assisting you in preparing for remote working.
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