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7 ways to simplify your defence against threats with managed service


London hospitals could not provide pathology services after a recent ransomware attack. Ticketmaster had 560 million customer records stolen in May. Frontier Communications says that 750,000 individuals were affected by an April cyberattack on its systems.



One mistake. That’s all it takes. You only have to get your cybersecurity strategy wrong once, and you destroy your reputation, lose your IP, or expose your customers’ sensitive data to nefarious actors.

And when it comes to cybercrime and cybersecurity best practices, nothing stays the same for long. Technology evolves, social engineering practices grow in sophistication, and internal operations shift. It's a maelstrom of activity that demands constant vigilance
It makes sense you’d look for ways to simplify defending against threats. 
To avoid becoming the next Ticketmaster, you need a clear strategy, automated tools, and partnerships with the best technology providers.
Here’s a streamlined way to tackle it:

Risk-Based Prioritisation 

Identify your key assets and vulnerabilities and prioritise security measures based on their potential impact. This ensures your team focuses on the higher-risk threats instead of trying to protect everything equally.

A large financial institution collaborated with a managed security service provider to overhaul its risk assessment framework. The firm used risk management tools to automate risk assessments and compliance processes, focusing on high-impact risks. This strategic alignment helped prioritise investments in cybersecurity measures that protected critical assets and complied with financial regulations.


Automation and Orchestration

Automation is the next frontier in managing repetitive tasks, like increasing threat alert volumes. The automation of routine tasks and the application of AI and ML enable you to respond more swiftly and even act proactively, but this can be challenging to implement within budget, resource and risk constraints. It’s easily mitigated with a managed cybersecurity services partnership who can scale their resources quicker and easier than you can, and help you to chart the right path.
Working with a managed security service provider (MSSP), you can enhance this capability by integrating advanced Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR) system services. Now, it is possible to design automated workflows tailored to your specific environment, significantly reducing the time and resources spent on detection and response. 

 A global retail company implemented an Extended Detection & Response platform to automate threat detection and response across its distributed network. This integration allowed the retailer to reduce security incidents, streamline security workflows, reduce response times, and minimize manual intervention, leading to a 30% reduction in security incidents.


Managed Security Operations Center (SOC)

Operating a SOC internally is resource-intensive. Managing disparate tools, collating vast datasets, analysing and interrogating data - it all takes time and expertise. 
Managed SOCs offer 24/7 monitoring and advanced threat protection without the overhead of staffing and operating an in-house team. Managed Security Service Providers offer experienced analysts and state-of-the-art technology to monitor, detect, and respond to incidents in real time and even provide proactive threat hunting. 
This combination of experts and cutting-edge technology delivers enhanced security risk management to speed up incident response times and provide a broader security perspective, leveraging insights from across their client base.
If you want to learn more about how a Managed SOC would benefit your organisation, download our comprehensive ebook or book a meeting with a member of our security team now. 

Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP)

MSSPs offer a wide range of managed cybersecurity services, from threat detection to compliance management. They simplify businesses' security management landscape and cybersecurity strategy by centralising and taking ownership of these services. 
Taking on the complexity of integrating disparate security tools, managing multiple vendors, and ensuring everything works seamlessly together, customers stay up-to-date with the latest security patches and updates
The burden on internal teams is dramatically reduced while you benefit from a proactive, dedicated approach to your cybersecurity and security breach prevention.

Our work with a large housing agency in the UK saw us devise a security strategy and deploy a SIEM solution and DarkTrace to provide comprehensive security protection as the company looked after some of those most in need. With trust as a fundamental part of doing business, the housing agency turned to Conosco to protect its infrastructure and reputation.


Security Awareness Training

Human error remains a significant vulnerability in cyber and information security - particularly when it comes to endpoint security management. Regular, customised employee cybersecurity training can mitigate this risk. MSSPs provide automated, scalable and continuously updated training solutions that reflect the latest threats. 
This ensures all employees are educated on best practices and emerging scams.

 A large technology firm integrated a security awareness training platform through its MSSP to enhance its defences against phishing attacks. The training programme, which was managed and updated by the MSSP, helped reduce phishing susceptibility from 25% to just 5% within a year by regularly testing and educating employees.


Zero Trust Architecture  

The "never trust, always verify" principle is central to Zero Trust. This approach secures every access request regardless of origin, minimising the risk of insider threats and breaches to enhance cybersecurity posture and reduce security incidents.
Your MSSP can facilitate the implementation of Zero-Trust policies by helping to design network segmentation, enforce identity verification, and manage users' access rights. They ensure robust, up-to-date, and user-friendly systems, enhancing security without compromising productivity.
Microsoft switched to a Zero Trust model six years ago to help verify identity, devices, access, and services. This work has increased identity authentication strength and helped businesses embrace biometrics-based authentication. 

Continuous Improvement 

Cybersecurity is not a one-time effort but a continuous cycle of improvement. And your MSSP should play a critical role in ensuring that security strategies evolve with a changing threat landscape.
Conducting regular penetration testing and vulnerability assessments, your MSSP provides insights into corrective actions to data breach response and help integrate these into an overarching security strategy. An external perspective can be invaluable in challenging and refining your security practices.

A large e-commerce company worked with an MSSP to implement a solution for continuous vulnerability management. The MSSP helped integrate this technology into existing systems to provide ongoing assessments of the company’s cybersecurity posture, enabling proactive responses to new vulnerabilities.


Simplify your defence against threats

With expertise and experience, building your solution is straight forward. Our security experts offer an extension and management oversight to your own team, or a completely stand alone outsourced team to triage, investigate, and remediate threats. We also understand the limitations of non-cloud SIEMs and how to protect you when operating hybrid workstyles.
We’ve seen how adding more security solutions adds complexity and cost - it doesn’t solve the problem. Let us work with you to streamline your security operations, improve your cyber threat intelligence, and free you from the endless cybersecurity battle.